Saturday, September 25, 2010

oh yes for yard sales!

So Golden and I have started our own small ritual, its been two weeks in a row now so maybe we get to do it a bit longer before we can classify it as a ritual. Anyways, DUDE YARD SALES are bomb! We scored some sweet stuff last week, and this week was even better. Let me first say, I know that by Melissa's standards we got ripped off however, comma, we feel pretty good about our bargains... Last week we got a few little tee shirts for Seerie 10 cents each, also some little shorts, 25 cents, and a little toy thing that plays songs $3... This week we scored 2 tv trays, $2, a boat load of clothes for ser, 7 sleepers, 3 hats, 4 jackets/sweaters, 5 pairs of shorts (one overalls), 3 pairs of pants, 4 onesies, 3 tee shirts, and 7 dresses all for $8! Oh and she threw in two free blankets, one has clamps on it so you can put it on the car seat and it wont fall off... Man what a deal! We actually tried to give the lady $12, but she gave us back $2 and told us to go buy a drink on her.. haha! I think because we showed up so late in the game, it was around 2, and they looked like they were getting ready to clean up and be done w/the the whole thing we really got some deals... Honestly we prob could have offered them 3 dollars and they would have given us even more. We decided on the way home that the more we go to these things the better we will get with the wheel and deal of it all.   Let's just say, One mans garbage is another mans prize possession!  I'm positive that Seerie will feel that way when she is dressed in her "new" duds!  .....................    HMMMMMM... well I guess that's it for now. I always have way more things I wanna write about later in the evening, and OF COURSE that's when I don't have the time. Right now I have some time seeing that the bird is still sleeping but I feel  I will do my best to get some sweet pics on here :) 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Today I have been enjoying my life.. I love my little daughter! To pieces! She is the light of my life (aside from my honey, who of coarse is like my light house ;)) It does not matter what I'm doing,  I take one look at her, with her chubby checks, and her little two teeth smile and I just light up. She is adorable! It's such a wonder to me, the miracle of life, of how something so precious and perfect is made.. How we all end up here, grow, and develop.. It's so fantastic. When I look at the circle of life and the perfect complexity of it, I know there is a GOD. It is perfection in every tiny detail....   Amy and I took the kiddies down to mom and dads (we drove separate cuz she had to work at 2:30 and I was staying in A.F til 6 to go cut anne's hair) On the way down I realized mom might not know we were coming (it was 9am) so I gave her a jingle and sure enough it was a surprise to her. So in between mom and dads dr. visits we all got to chat about an hr total, but Amy, Avery, Elle C, Seerie bird and I were outside picking peaches (we held down the fort while ma & pa were away) when I looked over to see Seerie.. Let me see if I can paint this picture, because of coarse I forgot my camera.. She had on a onsie outfit, w/bib, a hoodie, some sweet orange socks that look like shoes that have shoe laces, and her hoodie was up on her head w/her headband flower poking out.. but the cutest part was that she was sitting there good as can be, kind of making little noises, in the little blue/red chair w /yellow tray, with crumbs of cheerios stuck to each had, shaking the cheerio tub with a little bit of sadness because the sun was blaring down right in her face... so her eyes were all squinted up.. I will see if I can figure out how to post some pics tomorrow because it will give you a better idea.. Mostly I just love that little girl......  So aim left, and I had some hrs to myself w/mom and dad... mom and I mended ser's fav blanket, went for a walk, sat on the porch while it was hailing, it was a really nice time. Just really relaxing..  When it was time for me to go do my haircut, I left seerie w mom n dad, and boogied over to annes house...  Another really relaxing time. (Her husband and oldest son were gone, leaving just Anne and her 5/6 yr old son Jace).........  I realize when Im doing hair (by myself, not half doing hair, half watching to see and make sure seerie's ok) how much I love to have one on one time w/people. Hug was talking about having one on one w/mom n dad, which I love as well... But I also really love one on one w/fam, friends, clients, when I'm behind the chair doing their hair... Its weird that there are certain things that people will open up and tell me when Im doing their hair, that they otherwise might never say to me. Or maybe it never comes up, or the opportunity isn't there..  I know that's one reason I love what I do so much. I get a lot out of it as well. Also for me to have the chance to open up and say things I might never say otherwise. I've been able to get to know anne (goldens step sister) waaaaaaaaaay better than he know's her! He has started to come w/me since we've had seerie, and it's been awesome for their relationship to grow the last little bit. Also goldens step mom, gaye, I knew more about her the first time I did her hair than golden prob really ever did.... Maybe because you know your going to have to sit there for an extended period of time, so it's easier to talk about whatever comes up, and might as well get into a story of sorts? Maybe because the hair dresser is an outsider (in certain instances) and becomes that person who you can say whatever to because they don't know the people your talking about? ..... I love being that person.. I feel like a little different person when I'm behind the chair. Is that weird? It's like I'm the professional here, and I can take on that role w/ease and confidence. Why is it different otherwise? Maybe also because it's that one on one time that makes all the difference. It gives time, opportunity, and the space to ask the hard questions, and then really listen to the answer.......

Monday, September 20, 2010

The best part of the year.... is here, at last!

Sooooooo it's that time again. The leaves are starting to change, there's the beginnings of a chill in the air (unless your hug and live in park city, and it was never really summer) the mornings are crisp and refreshing..... AND its time for FOOTBALL! I swear I am a dude when it comes to this, but I love football season! There's something so rewarding about waking up on sunday morning to sports center, anticipating the games to start for the day. I think also because it is a time to get together, eat, and chill that it also makes it a season I look forward to..  Which then leads to all the holidays, Min will be coming out soon, and the feeling all around changes. If you notice that Christmas, well starting around halloween , people start to get all friendly and nice?!! I am just as guilty as anyone I know this, and I guess it's because we have things to look forward to? Or because it's something that takes us away from the daily grind, and into something to celebrate?  I notice that people will actually say hello when passing by, or hold the door open. It's been a weird experience to have a kid, a diaper bag, a dog, a stroller, w/car seat, and my purse with me at all times. I've been so shocked a number of times at the way people DON'T move for me, or offer to hold a door... It has made me much more aware of it when I am out and about... Maybe it is just the places I've lived, or maybe it is me that is putting off an attitude....  I feel I def do my best to be friendly....    Anyways, back to football... HAAAALLLLLLELLLLUAJAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

For my second post......

So I've finished reading my sisters posts, and I feel inspired to reflect on a little time when I was young... about 5 years of age, playing hide and seek with heather and amy. I was it, I searched all around the basement, through all the rooms, storage rm, jasons rm, mins rm (well her rm was probably off limits, cuz she would freak out if we went in there) anyways, I found them... OK KERI, now it's your turn to hide while WE ARE IT. .  ummm.. ok. WE are adding a new hiding place, come on and we'll show you! WOW, a new hiding place, I could hardly wait to see it! This was going to be really exciting!  Here we are... the DRYER! It's now been added to the places to hide.. We are going to go count so get ready to hide ker. 1,2,3... GEEEZZZZ I had to hurry. This was going to be the best place ever! I burned around the corner into the laundry rm, that would later be turned into amys rm, and strategically placed myself into the dryer.. taking  great care in leaving the door open a crack. Making it look as if nothing/no one was in there however, leaving a small slit for me to breathe of course. OH wait... I can hear them coming now... I was holding my breath, they were never going to find me! I was so quiet... but then SLAM! LAUGHING, AND THE DRYER BEGAN TO TURN!!!! THEN CAME THE HEAT! I was crying as I began moving around, going up and falling down on the dividers, BAM! and UP, BAM! and UP, BAM! They were coming around so fast. It was obvious that crying and screaming was not going to stop this cycle. I was getting really hot, but never mind that. I wanted to stop landing on those things! I started to hold myself with my legs out and my arms up so I could do a full rotation.... It was just about then that the door flew open, and my older sisters ran off giggling ahead of me that I was brought back to the horrid realization that I was just tricked into the dryer.... BY MY SISTERS, AND THEY TURNED IT ON! It seemed like the longest 5 min of my life!! (I know it was prob more like 20 sec)... The thing that still gets me is that as I was running up the stairs yelling for my mom, they grabbed me and bribed me w/candy to not tell. I actually took it!!! ohhhhhhhh man, good times!!!!  Its really times like these that I think how sad it would be to be an only child! haha

Friday, September 17, 2010

oh my goodness

After much thought today I've decided it would be in my best interest to start a blog. I've read a bit of my sisters blogs and they are awesome! Inspiring me to do a little blogging of my own..   It was early this morning when I was doing my make-up ( I actually got out of bed before my daughter, made breakfast for my honey, took a shower and began getting ready for the day) when I realized...... I was having some serious conversation WITH MYSELF!!!! This was a bit alarming considering that I know that this has gone on for quit some time, but I really think today was the first time I was conscious of it... AND COMPLETELY FREAKED out by it!  I guess because I felt for a brief moment on the fast track to crazy unless I start giving myself some sort of social outlet. So here I go.........    I have felt for some time now that I want to start writing. My first thought is naturally to write in my journal. I think about it a lot, and never seem to find the time. More accurately, I never make the time. The days and months fly by,  now my daughter is 7 1/2 months and the days are lost behind me. So my desire with this blog is to say whatever is on my mind. Melissa does coupons/running, Hug does gratitude, and Im going to do whatever I feel like at the moment. I feel that is something I talk a lot about, being in the moment. Each moment. Enjoying what Im doing now.. loving the fact that once I was a super busy hair stylist, working my brains out, making lots of money, talking to people all day long, and it was sweet to have the means to buy whatever I wanted... NOW I am a full time mother, I make up silly songs/dance for my daughter on the daily (as long as she thinks I'm funny, right?!) I play pranks on the cats, and my dog aesop, and I get a kick out of talking to myself all day until my husband gets home. We are tight on money, and I will tell you that I have more appreciation for a 20 dollar bill (shoot, let's be honest a 5 or even a couple 1's) than I ever had before. However, I AM THE HAPPIEST I HAVE EVER BEEN in my entire life!!! I love my soul mate, he is my everything, and my angel. Just when I thought I would be alone forever he came along. Now we have a little girl, and our world is so different and so beautiful. I will say that I know that all the money in the world cannot buy happiness, and I absolutely delight in my relationships! For me, this is what life is all about.. OUR RELATIONSHIPS!!!!!  K